Sunday, December 29, 2019


"Power to Cooperate People"

  • What is the “divine power to cooperate”?
  •  Why is the “power to cooperate” needed to develop within ourselves?
  •  Why is the “power to cooperate” needed to increase within ourselves day by day?
  • When to use the “power to cooperate” correctly in our lives?
  • How to use the “power to cooperate” in various situations of our lives?

In our everyday life, we use the “Divine power to cooperatecooperate with people in our life. Starting from early in the morning when we wake up till the late night until we go to sleep, we come across various categories of people in our life. Every moment stands as an EMBODIMENT of situation in front of us. Some of such situations have positive while others have negative impact in our basic life. Similarly, some people have positive effect while some other people have negative effect upon our lives. God helps us to increase the Divine Power to cooperate with ourselves and other people as well.

The power to cooperate is the ability to render all our virtues in the service of others and to work alongside them in form of a Great Team.  This divine power is the culmination of all divine virtues and powers. The Divine Power to Cooperate evokes within us the ability to be flexible and able to adjust to all situations and types of people. This enables us to be benevolent i.e. have good feelings and good wishes towards all irrespective of good or evil. We can make ourselves free from praises or acknowledges. Self-respect and complete contentment can be achieved by rendering services to others (needy ones) freely and unconditionally. This divinity develops within us the power to know accurately what is needed. It makes us free (get rid of) from various outgrowths of vices- ego, jealousy/envy, attachment, lust, anger, greed. 
The power to cooperate with others and the environment requires the understanding that that you have to know when to give cooperation as well as to know when to take cooperation. Cooperation has a great affinity for taking and giving responsibility.  Cooperation is to understand that -
"We all Human Souls are children of the One Father- The Almighty Authority." This forms the basis of "brotherhood". 

Let's discuss how to utilize and apply the Divine Power to Cooperate People in our everyday life - the Practical Application of the Divine Power.
Since our childhood, we are taught by all elders to “Help Others. Whenever, we feel that the person near to us needs help or assistance in any form, we are always at ease to help them and provide them ways to solve out their problems or actually reduce their pain. There’s a very well known proverb which will make “The Divine Power to Cooperate People” more sensible and practical- “United We Stand, Divided We Fall”. 
Accordingly, when we perform any piece of work together as a team, we complete the work accurately and without much difficulty due to combined effort put forth by all the team members of the team. Comparatively, when any one of the team members has to perform the same piece of  work separately as an individual, the amount of effort to be put would be lot more, the time taken would be manifold times greater and most importantly, the quality of work put forth would not be up to the mark as required. What most of us will think? The same task done by a group of people cannot be compared to be done by an individual. But, the fact remainsEach of us is an Individual. 
But, when we come on the floor i.e. to perform any action; God, The Almighty Authority has sent all the creatures on the earth to work together as a Great, Big, Wise, Intellect Team. We need to understand the very essence of this fact. On account of the whole Universe, as run by God, all the creatures, heavenly bodies, five elements of the earth, every bit of the space (including all celestial elements)- all work at their own speed, they work as per their assigned duties. For instance, meteors, comets, asteroids - all keep on moving at their speed and direction (though it appears to us that they are moving directionless). Sun, Moon, other satellites - move in their own orbit and at their specified speed along with direction. When we say - Life exists on Earth, what do we mean by saying so? For us, as the residents of Earth, Life means - Human Life, Animal Life, Plant Life, Marine Life, Terrestrial life, etc. For the other celestial bodies, Life co-exists. The life of various meteors, meteoroids, comets, satellites, planets - all coexist.
How can so-called the wisest creature of God - Human Souls , Human Beings be so selfish? From Day to Night, we selfishly keep on thinking about our growth, our advancements, every activity related to OUR BENEFIT. Whereas, God the Almighty Authority is swinging THE WHOLE UNIVERSE as a Team with all heavenly bodies, all elements of the Universe as it's Team Members wherein We, the Human Souls are very small Team Members of  God's Universe. But, Fact - we Human Souls super-estimate ourselves thinking us to be the Super-Powers of the Universe. 
So, Human Beings Stop thinking yourself as the Greatest Beast - The Super Power, Stop Boosting of yourself and your Powers. You in actual are Powerless - The Powers are Divine - they belong to the Almighty. God, in actual, has rewarded us with His Divine Virtues & Divine Powers so that we can work in a TEAM  in an organised manner to accomplish God's Task of swinging the Whole Universe in the most perfect way. God swings the Whole Universe - in the blow of Godly Peace, Happiness and Bliss.
My dearest readers and followers - The Divine Power to Cooperate - is to give & take cooperation from your fellow mates, friends, family people, near & dear ones - at the workplace, in the society, within your conscious & sub-conscious reach of mind.  
The Divine Power to Cooperate People begins, moves on & gets accomplished only and only at the "Thought Level". The moment we think to help someone, cooperate any known or unknown person - immediately we are able to do so with/ without much/ great effort. On the other hand, the moment we think - "Oh, who's going to help out that silly person? I won't"- The divinity of Cooperation gets spilled away from our soul and we cannot/ aren't able to cooperate the person. So, possess Positive Attitude towards all Beings/ Souls/ Creatures and put forth all your efforts to Cooperate People/ Creatures. It requires only a Thought.
Let all of us, keep experiencing all the Divine Virtues and Divine Powers of the Almighty Authority. Let us all - Believe & Become the Possessors of all Divine Virtues & Divine Powers of God. As the Great Possessors of God's Complete Divinity- let us all perform & accomplish God's Task in most organized and perfect manner and help ourselves and all fellow ones to keep swinging in the blow of Godly Peace, Happiness and Bliss.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019


"Power to Face Situations"

  • What is the “divine power to face”?
  •  Why is the “power to face situations” needed to develop within ourselves?
  •  Why is the “power to face situations” needed to increase within ourselves day by day?
  • When to use the “power to face situations” correctly in our lives?
  • How to use the “power to face situations” in various situations of our lives?
  • Various times – we misunderstand to Tolerate situation and face people – but in fact, we tolerate people and Face situations in our lives. 
In our everyday life, we use the “Divine power to face” – face situations in our life. Starting from early in the morning when we wake up till the late night until we go to sleep, we come across various situations in our life. Every moment stands as a situation in front of us. Some of such situations have positive while others have negative impact in our basic life.
The power to face is the ability to confront and resolve external and internal obstacles, tests and challenges. The main attributes of this power are courage and honesty. The Power to FACE means that nothing is too fearsome to handle, that we are ready to face whatever comes – fear or overwhelming emotion, lack of self-worth, attack or any unexpected situation by others; situations that seem impossible. Neither we should have any acceptance of illusion or falsehood, ego, greed, desire, attachment, jealousy or anger in the self, nor accept these in others. Balance with the Power to LOVE, self-respect, compassion and understanding should emerge while maintaining the truth of our natural, original nature – a pious & loveful soul.

During the positive situations, we utilize the Divine power to face without making any effort – because such positive situations are very naturally accepted by us. We need not be careful on how to act / react during the positive situations of our lives. Positive situations arise in front of us as a result of our good / truthful / hardship efforts made by us in the near / late past. And the fruits borne out of such good / truthful / hardship seeds are always very sweet. So, we as Human Souls very readily and easily accept such positive situations. We need not make any hard preparations for accepting / facing such situations. For instance, your child has stood one among the Top Rankers in any competitive examination or at workplace, you have been rewarded with Double promotion or any family trip to abroad. To such situations, we act happily i.e. I share with myself, my family and the entire surrounding (atmosphere) with happiness and good wishes for all including myself. Now, happiness is a positive quality - a Divine Virtue so the whole atmosphere gets filled up with immense positive vibrations which brings about positivity everywhere. Thus, leaving all Human souls and the whole atmosphere in full positivity, good wishes and benevolent wishes as well. Finally, Positive outcome is there. So, nothing to think about or worry about. Therefore, no internal (soul) or external (bodily) preparation is required.

During the negative situations, we need to utilize the Divine power to face with great efforts, with full preparation and full attention on ourselves and on the surroundings. Full attention here means- full attention to keep oneself, others and the whole surrounding positive – having positive feelings / vibrations all around. Full preparation here means – internal preparation of the human soul as well as external preparation by the human body. We all know about God’s 16 and the broader 36 Divine Virtues. It’s during the negative situations that we need to apply many of the Divine Virtues such as – patience, calmness, good wishes, benevolent feelings towards all, timeliness, broadmindedness, forgiveness, contentment.
The most basic situation that we come across in our everyday life is - the Traffic on the way towards our destination. We are not at all concerned about the TRAFFIC in reality but are more concerned about the Traffic Jam which we have to face every other moment while travelling.  Here, Traffic Jam applies to - Traffic jam of our thoughts going on throughout every moment within ourselves. And, the Traffic Jam which we all are consciously aware of - is the traffic jam of vehicles on the roads while we travel throughout the day. Wherein the Traffic Jam of thoughts is an ongoing process within our minds - whether we are in conscious or sub-conscious state of mind. 
Consequently, it's the Traffic Jam of our thoughts - consciously or sub-consciously which leads to existence of Negative Situations in our very own lives.  
In the early hours of the day (life), on the way to drop your kids to their schools or spouses to their offices / workplaces and then to reach to your own office on time. It's a big challenge in today's rush to be on time / before time at the workplace or any other event place. It's "Time which plays all games of Hide and Seek with us during our whole life span".
So, when we come across the traffic on road: 
1. Firstly, we should drive safely following all rules of "Safe Driving";
2. Secondly, when the traffic becomes heavier- there occurs a jam - Traffic Jam on the road. This "Traffic Jam" is a situation which we face everyday during our visits towards our destination.
Let's discuss - 
How to face (positively) the situation of a Traffic Jam (occurring almost twice everyday in our lives)  or 
How to face an unwanted / undesirable / unexpected situation occurring spontaneously in our lives (so that such unexpected situations end with a positive outcome / result / conclusion). 
  1.  Take deep breathe and shower good benevolent feelings / vibrations to those all (including yourself) who are stuck in the traffic jam or any other adequate situation. So that positivity surrounds the whole atmosphere and coolly & calmly all cross the traffic jam without any violence or accidents (physical / mental). 
  2. Shower benevolent feelings on the persons present at the destination- waiting for you directly or indirectly by showering benevolent vibrations of God.  
  3. Utilize the time you are stuck in traffic jam by fulfilling yourself with positive thoughts and making the atmosphere of your destination / workplace / that place where you have to reach on time - full of positive thoughts, positive vibrations and make the people at the destination positive towards you. 
This is how to utilize and apply the divine power to Face situations in our everyday lives.
Similarly, we face various situations - positive / negative in our lives. For every situation, we need to develop the power to face situations and the power to tolerate or bear people involved in such situations. For instance, when a negative situation arises at our workplace wherein our Senior Authority / Reporting Boss or else one abuses us or scolds us or offers us  a tedious task to accomplish. 
                  Senior Authority scolds us (Negative Situation) 
                                           ⟱  ⏬
Have Tolerance Power to tolerate the Senior Authority i.e. the person involved in the situation. Another form of tolerance power is to be patient, cool, calm and have benevolent feelings for all including ourselves.
                                            ⟱  ⏬ 
Have the Power to Face the situation arisen before ourselves. Be tolerate, be positive towards the situation i.e. we should repeatedly remind ourselves that the situation has brought good things / things of benefit for all in disguise (here all - stands for all those persons who are either involved in the situation directly or will be affected directly / indirectly by the consequences of the situation).
                                            ⟱  ⏬
1. Listen to the whole situation and Never React i.e. never act spontaneously.
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2. Shower positivity to the person/s involved and present in the surrounding atmosphere.                      
                                            ⟱  ⏬
3. Be patient and wise enough to speak words. Have control over the scattered thoughts, vice words and negative feelings about the end consequences of the situation.                         
                                           ⟱  ⏬
4. End up the whole conversation as a "Patient Listener". If at all necessary, speak only a few positive words and continuously shower benevolent / good feelings to the Senior Authority / person involved.
                                           ⟱  ⏬
5. After the end of the conversation, do not waste time in gossiping with others about the situation that occurred with the Senior Authority in the past i.e. few moments ago. Also, do not saturate your mind with waste or negative thoughts  thinking negatively about the consequences or simply blaming any other person or even yourself thinking to be responsible for the whole worse situation.
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6. Relax and fill yourself with God's Peaceful and Pious Energy.
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7. Erect yourself as a Peaceful Soul (Repeat to yourself- I am a Peaceful Soul).
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8. Now, erect yourself as a Pious Soul (Repeat to yourself- I am a Pious Soul).
                                          ⟱  ⏬
9. Then, erect yourself as a Knowledgeful Soul (Repeat to yourself- I am a Knowledgeful Soul).         
                                      ⟱  ⏬
By and by, you will feel immense peace within yourself- within You as the Human Soul. Then, you will have pious feelings for all around including the atmosphere. Now, you will have Crystal-Clear knowlegdeful thoughts about the situation that occurred in the past. These Crystal clear knowledgeful thoughts will help you to solve / reply / accomplish the situation in utmost positive manner.
 So, Right Thing at Right Place in Right Time and in Right Manner(Manner is utmost important)😌

Sunday, December 15, 2019


"Power to Tolerate People"

  •  What is the divine power to tolerate?
  •  Why is tolerance power needed to develop within ourselves?
  •  Why is tolerance power needed to increase within ourselves day by day?
  •  When to use tolerance power correctly in our lives?
  •  How to use tolerance power in various situations of our lives?
  •  Various times – we misunderstand to Tolerate situation – but in fact, we tolerate people and Face situations in our lives.

God helps us to increase the Tolerance Power i.e. the power to tolerate people. It’s always the people around us who are blamed to be a cause of difficult situations / hard times in our lives. Situations / circumstances arise in front of us as a result of our own actions / reactions. It’s our past reactions that become obstacles / difficult situations for our present moment. Whenever such tough situations arise infront of us, we need to use/apply our Tolerance Power to tolerate the tough time / people.To be very specific, whenever a situation stands in front of us, it’s always in form of a person.The hard news of the unbearable situation is brought by any person known / unknown to us. So, at that particular moment, God helps us to develop/ increase our Tolerance power in order to tolerate/ face the persons who are treated (wrongly) to be the cause of such unbearable situation standing in front of us.
The power to tolerate is the ability to respond to external and internal events positively and not get affected by them. We all have visualized kids throwing stones at trees bearing lots of fruits hanging from its branches. The trees bend its branches low and offer their sweet fruits to us. We enjoy the fruit and attain inner satisfaction. Such fruit-laden trees are most perfect examples of the power of tolerance and we have lots to learn from it. It shows that if we want to imbibe the characteristics of the tree, we must become full of the fruits of the spiritual attainments from the Almighty Authority. When I am filled internally with fruits like joy, love, wisdom, beauty, and peace through spiritual knowledge and meditation; even when the stones of difficult circumstances come my way I’ll still be able to respond positively with courage and humility. Tolerance means that no matter what stones come my way, I will continue to share my internal attainments / my divine virtues with them. If I’m empty, the stones will injure me, and I’ll react with anger or fear or ego or some other negative emotion. Alike such fruit-laden trees, we need to develop the strength to remain unaffected by external or internal events and respond to it positively.

DON'T : 

During difficult situations, this is what we all generally do in our lives -- We keep on murmuring, because of You (any person), this situation has arisen. We keep on blaming that particular person for the bad/ difficult situation till the time that particular situation persists in our lives. And, until Time wounds the difficult situation, we keep on blaming that particular person. This is what we should not do at the time of difficult situations in our lives.
It's wise to BEND rather than to Break oneself.

DO :

During difficult situations, this is what we all should do in our lives --
Whenever, any situation suddenly arises in front of us, we should not react abruptly to the situation. Never panic over such situations.
a)   Take deep breathe. Have faith, trust and confidence over the Almighty Authority.
b)   Listen to the whole situation.
c)  Never blame any particular person or hold him / her responsible for the present situation. 
     STOP BLAMING yourself or others.
d)   Try to understand the in and out of the situation.
e)  Never react to the situation. Since, the present situation itself is an outcome of our past reaction to any action. 
f)    Discuss the whole situation with someone trustworthy and knowledgeable – one who can explain about the whole situation / problem in simple terms to you.
g)   Concentrate on the problem and do not again and again think about the (bad) consequences. Do not be a Negative Thinker. 
h)   The more and more we think deeper about the problem – the more we concentrate on the problem – the problem becomes clearer and clearest.
i)    Once, the problem is CRYSTAL-CLEAR in front of us, 
BELIEVE ME – the SOLUTION to the problem is present just NEXT DOOR to us / next door to the Situation / Problem.

This is where and how the Divine TOLERANCE POWER works in our lives. So,be careful and keep on increasing the Divine tolerance Power –Power to tolerate from our very own Almighty Authority.
There is a well-known proverb –
                 “One who tolerates - survives;
                  One who doesn’t tolerate - ends up in demise.” 
                  So, it’s wise to Tolerate People and Face Situations.