Thursday, March 19, 2020


"Power to Withdraw From Negativity"

  • What is the “divine power to withdraw”?
  •  Why is the “power to withdraw” needed to develop within ourselves?
  •  Why is the “power to withdraw” needed to increase within ourselves day by day?
  • When to use the “power to withdraw” correctly in our lives?
  • How to use the “power to withdraw” in various situations of our lives?

In our everyday life, we use the “Divine power to withdraw – withdraw ourselves from negative thoughts in our life. Starting from early in the morning when we wake up till the late night until we go to sleep, we come across various categories of situations/ people in our life. Every moment stands as an EMBODIMENT of situation in front of us. Some of such situations have positive while others have negative impact in our basic life. Similarly, some people have positive effect while some other people have negative effect upon our lives. God helps us to increase the Divine Power to withdraw ourselves from negative thoughts of ours as well as those of others. 

The power to withdraw is the ability to stay away from negativity; to step back and get cut off from the evils/ negativeness of the world around us. The power to withdraw is nothing but getting separated from the surroundings mentally i.e. only through thoughts. Physically, we remain at the same place wherein we reside, work or stay. But at the mental level, we withdraw ourselves from the surrounding people, surrounding situation, surrounding noise- it’s like, we stay aloof from every living & non-living matter. It gives clarity and coolness, as well as the ability to change a situation. To withdraw is to get cut off/ step back from whatever the current situation is- be it strong feelings, emotions, anger or confusion. It is the power of our consciousness, the real Human Soulwho plays the role/character staying in the Human Body. It is the ability of the Human Soul to be beyond the influence of the worldly matter – connected to the true self; connected to the Almighty Authority.
Whenever we are engaged in any work, we fall in dilemma whether the end result of the task would be – Good or Bad/ Right or Wrong. Behind every task, lots and lots of our thoughts are involved – as if we are stuck in a Traffic Jam of Thoughts. Flow of thoughts is a very natural process. During any task, we must withdraw and check ourselves with the consciousness of our inner peace and check for defect and correct them instantaneously. For instance, several times we have seen any tortoise or any snail. What do they do at times of impending danger? The tortoise or the snail - both withdraw their arms/ legs and head and take protection under the hard covering/ hard shell present over the top of their body. On perceiving any unwanted danger or on hearing any unfamiliar sound, immediately the tortoise and the snail protect themselves under the safe/ protective canopy of their Body Shield. Similarly, whenever we are stuck in any situation or obstacle - we also need to copy the living habit of the tortoise or the snail. We should also withdraw ourselves mentally and make ourselves safe under the Safest Canopy of the Almighty Authority. We need to see deep within ourselves- within The Real Human Soul and achieve our Divine inner strength using the Divine Virtues and Divine Powers inherited by us from the Almighty Authority. When we come across difficult situations or obstacles in our lives, we need to look within the Real Human Soul (within our True Self) for the solution instead of looking at others with longing eyes in negligible hope of getting a solution. Truly stating, nowadays - this negligible hope is the seed of all sorrows in each one of ours life.  Be Strong - Not others but it's you who will always solve your own problems and overcome all the so-called "Sorrows of life". To be successful at every aspect of life - Total Quality Values are most essential. These quality values are nothing superficial - they are simply the till date discussed Divine Virtues & Divine Powers. Quality nourishes itself on values and there is no alternative. "What we give to the world, we receive".

Let's discuss how to utilize and apply the Divine Power to Withdraw from Negativity in our everyday life - the Practical Application of the Divine Power.  
To some extent, in the above paragraph, I have discussed about the practical implementation of the Divine Power to Withdraw. Giving the example of tortoise and a snail, how at times of impending danger, these two creatures protect themselves under own protective shield / covering. 
Situation : Nowadays, most of the times, we Human Souls find ourselves bound around by unfavorable situations. Unfavorable situations- how do we define this? 
1.) Unfavorable situations are those situations which are not under our control or those ones which are not as per our need/ requirement/ demand.  
2.) Whenever, such situations occur around us- we feel upset, hurt, pain is observed within the soul. Out of irritation - we feel insulted when something occurs beyond our liking. We allow our Self-respect to be hurt by the outcome of such unfavorable situations.
3.) Initially, by showing our negative emotions - we react to such situations - which should always be avoided. As discussed earlier, to retain our Happiness - "We must only Act, and not React towards people or situations".
4.) We usually react - by often shouting, showing our disregard towards the decision/ situation, get irritated by petty issues concerning the particular or any other issue/ matter. Physically & mentally both - I try to revolt against the decision taken - which forms unfavorable for Me.
5.) We feel as if others are deliberately trying to hurt us by not obeying our words/ decisions. We even start thinking that - we no more have the previous precious space in our loved ones lives. They no longer need our guidance / assistance/ coordination in their lives' activities.
6.) Unlikely to the above, sometimes we pretend, as if, we don't care if the people surrounding us do not care for our words/ don't obey our decisions/ don't regard or value our interest regarding the situation. 
7.) What we pretend - is only externally - to show others that we are not disturbed by their disregard. 
8.) But, at the same time, internally i.e. mentally we feel not only disturbed but disheartened - because someone whom we trusted the most, whom we loved to the extreme level, for whom we had blind love & faith - disobeyed our words or rather concluded the situation which was completely denied by us/ me. 
9.) The end result of such unfavourable situations is - We lose our mental peace, happiness, bliss. There gets created- an imbalance of emergency hormone within our physical body whereas our soul gets hit by the negative effect of all evil poisons (negativity) - sorrow, pain, irritation, hurt, disrespect for myself & others, hatredness towards myself & others, peaceless days & nights.

Solution : The solution to the above discussed situation/ problem is within our consciousness state of mind. We can readily/ easily wipe off such unfavourable situations. 
1.) Firstly, instead of looking at others with longing eyes for bits of solution, I need to take the reigns of my peace, my happiness, my bliss in my own hands and not leave my peace, my happiness, my bliss at the mercy of others' interest.
2.) I am the Creator of my own Happiness, my own Bliss, my own Destiny - Destiny of Peace, purity, Happiness & Bliss.
3.) I am well determined to change the definition of such unfavourable situations into favourable situations by physically & mentally not reacting to such situations which do not occur as per our interest or are not in our control.
4.) I will not react towards any person or situation. I will try to accept the person or situation as it is. Initially, accepting such things might be hard but as we keep on doing it, it will become a Common Practice in our lives  i.e. "Accepting people, accepting situations, accepting matters of disinterest will become a Common practice for me in my everyday life". After all, practice makes a man perfect - so keep the practice of easily accepting others ongoing.
5.) The moment I start accepting others as they are, I take the control of all my emotions / values in my own hands and escape from the slavery of others rule/ reign. Others' actions, emotions can no longer keep hurting me.
6.) For achieving the stage of self-control, I need to use/ apply the Divine Power to Withdraw myself away from negativity or evil thoughts.
Conclusion to the solution : Alike, any tortoise or a snail, whenever any unfavourable situation occurs, I need to withdraw myself from such situation. Remember, before reacting towards the person or situation, I must withdraw myself and put myself under the protective covering / safe canopy of the Almighty Authority. 
I have to remind myself -
I am a Positive Soul, 
I am a Peaceful Soul,
I am a Pure Soul,
I am a Loveful Soul,
I am a Knowledgeful Soul,
I am a Happy Soul,
I am a Blissful Soul,
I am a Powerful Soul. 
After repeated reminders, I will feel myself filled with all divine virtues & all divine powers of God. Practically, I will feel myself safest under God's safest canopy of Complete Divinity. 
So, withdraw yourself from all negativities of the world, leave all the evils & sorrows of the worldly matters, surrender yourself to the Almighty Authority and Become Master Powerful Soul / Master Might House/ Master Light House.

Thursday, March 12, 2020


"Power to Imbibe/ Inculcate/ Embed -Divine Virtues"

  • What is the “divine power to imbibe/ inculcate/ embed”?
  •  Why is the “power to imbibe/ inculcate/ embed” needed to develop within ourselves?
  •  Why is the “power to imbibe/ inculcate/ embed” needed to increase within ourselves day by day?
  • When to use the “power to imbibe/ inculcate/ embed” correctly in our lives?
  • How to use the “power to imbibe/ inculcate/ embed” in various situations of our lives? 
In our everyday life, we use the “Divine power to imbibe/ inculcate/ embed” – imbibe positivity in our life. Starting from early in the morning when we wake up till the late night until we go to sleep, we come across various situations in our life. Every moment stands as a situation in front of us. God helps us to increase the Divine Power to imbibe positivity/ imbibe divine virtues within ourselves.

 The power to imbibe is the ability to expand and accept the presence, ideas, and desires of others. It is the ability to adjust and change negative situations into positive ones/ into better opportunities without creating conflicts among ourselves and the people surrounding us. Just as the ocean accommodates and separates the waste from all the rivers, so we need to change relationships through the power of good wishes. This is the power to provide comfort where no comfort exists. Its foundation is a constant connection with inner truth and an openness & regard for others. To imbibe does not mean to compromise. It means to maintain one’s own integrity and the integrity of others with a commitment to truth and faith in the self.  The power to imbibe requires deep understanding and acceptance, the ability to nurture the true identity so that what is needed in any situation becomes present. With this power, a deep contentment is experienced.
Let's discuss how to utilize and apply the Divine Power to Imbibe in our everyday life - it's Practical Application.

The Divine Power to Imbibe applies in every common man’s life. It is in form of imbibing divine virtues of the Almighty Authority into oneself. In everyday life, we come across various situations. Situations come in front of us – in form of people/ persons. 
SITUATION : To be very practical, every circumstance/ situation comes to us through people and in due course of actions, we hold these people not only responsible for creating problems for us but particularly as “Problems” in our lives. We start getting away from such Problem-Creator People, either by maintaining physical and mental distance from them or by simply neglecting them by some means. This behaviour of ours is nothing but showing disrespect to them (maybe due to their own behaviour of creating problems for us). Irrespective of the above situation, showing disrespect towards any other Human Soul – is a negative attitude – which we must avoid because we are the Children of the Almighty Authority and we have to practice only our Divine Virtues in everyday life.
SOLUTION:  Whenever such problems/ obstacles/ situations/ circumstances come across our lives, we need to Imbibe the Divine Powers – Tolerance Power to tolerate people and Power to Face situations from the Almighty Authority. During such times, the divine virtues needed to imbibe/ inculcate/ embed within ourselves from the Almighty Authority are –
  • Patience– patiently observe the obstacle/ problem/ situation
  • Calmness– Calmness of mind so that we do not start predicting about the problems and it’s consequences beforehand.
  • Knowledge (Clean & Clear Intellect)– for better & crystal clear understanding of the problem. 
  • Wisdom – to maintain control over the situation/ obstacle.
  • Positive Attitude – to ascertain yourself and others that “EVERYTHING WILL BE ALRIGHT”.
  • Use of the 7 basic divine virtues – knowledge, peace, purity, love, happiness, bliss & power Of God – to overcome all obstacles/ problems/ situations.
  • Conclusion - We all “TOGETHER”(along with the Omnipresence of the Almighty Authority) will OVERCOME ALL OBSTACLES/ PROBLEMS.