Friday, October 30, 2020


  • What is God's the best?
  • Who is God's the best?
  • Why is it God's the best?
  • When it became God's the best?
  • Who made it as God's the best?  
    I am God's The Best
God gives all of us things of our necessity. What is my necessity is being offered to me before the time it's needed by me.
Great men have said - "Right thing at right time at right place and in right manner".
What God offers us, we take for granted. We always think - God is bound to give us things of our necessity. God gives us because He knows it's His Universe, He is the Creator of the Universe, He is the one who is responsible to take care of all acts / happenings going on in the Universe. God knows that He is the one who maintains balance of all acts and happenings going on in the Universe by all the creatures present in the Universe.

When I say, God's The Best - I mean to say - what is God's The best; who is God's the best; why is it considered as God's the best!!!
As per my thoughts, feelings, words and actions - I consider Myself (THE SOUL) as God's the best. I may say, I consider me - The Human Soul as God's the Best entity in the Universe. The question arises - why do I consider myself (The Human Soul) as God's the best entity in the Universe?
Great Men say : "As You think, so You Become".
All souls are God's children. Human souls are God's the best creatures / entities in the Universe created by the Almighty Authority. Human souls have been bestowed upon all great moral values and immortal qualities of God by the Almighty Authority.
God has bestowed all immortal values upon His Children. It is upon us- God's immortal children (The Human souls) that how we utilize all the immortal values bestowed upon us by the Almighty Authority. God has given me the best. Now, I have to utilize all the best immortal qualities of God that God has given to me. I have to imbibe within myself all the best immortal qualities of God. After imbibing all the best immortal divine virtues of God within myself, I am striving hard to become God's The Best.
"As I will think, I will become". I have determined a destination for myself. I have decided to imbibe all the best immortal divine virtues of God within myself and erect myself as - Child of the Almighty Authority. I have given myself a mission to get entitled as "Master Almighty Authority". In fact, to be truthful and honest, God has given me this mission - to entitle myself as "Master Almighty Authority" by imbibing God's all immortal divine virtues within myself. God has made me capable to accomplish God's mission of becoming "Master Almighty Authority" by imbibing deep within myself God's all immortal divine virtues and utilize these qualities in daily life for the benefit of myself, God's every children, Human souls and Humanity.

Mission-"Become Master Almighty Authority"

I can say - "I am God's the best".
I can say - "God's the best immortal divine virtues are embedded within myself, the human soul".
I can say - I am God's the best because I have always unconditionally and whole heartedly truthfully, faithfully & honestly followed God's given all directions from time to time.
I can say - To become God's the best is a continuous process from time to time, from one birth to another birth. This is a continuous process because No one is perfect in this Universe and to attain perfection is a matter of continuous practise and preach.
I can say - "I am God's the best and God himself has made me as HIS Best Child - Master Almighty Authority through His immense and deep teachings, preachings and continuous effort of practise".
God is My Love and I am God's Love

Every Human Souls' aim in this Universe should be - to become God's The best Child by imbibing God's entire immortal divine virtues within himself / herself / oneself and attain the title of "Master Almighty Authority".

Friday, October 23, 2020



Moral values are a type of value. Values are a very important association to be aware of. They are the things that people care about. Values matter to us. They motivate our behaviour. They ground our judgments about what is good or bad, desirable or undesirable. 

Any form of activity that involves making judgments about what is better or worse, good or bad, high quality or low quality, right or wrong, successful or unsuccessful, desirable or undesirable … all of these judgments involve values in one form or the another. There are values in sports, values in art, values in social and cultural practices, values in science, values in relationships, values in economic transactions, religious values and in every other act. Our everyday experiences are super-saturated with values and its application. Thus, we need to emphasize our brains over inculcation of Values with Morality.
 Moral Values
Moral values are the standards of good and evil, which govern an individual’s behavior and choices. Morals are the social, cultural and religious beliefs or values of an individual or group which tell us what is right or wrong. They are the rules and standards made by the society or culture which is to be followed by us while deciding what is right.
The term ‘morals’ is derived from a Greek word ‘mos’ which refers to customs and the customs are determined by group of individuals or some authority pertaining to what is beneficial for the entire mankind. 

The Basic moral principles are:
1.    Unconditional Love and Kindness
2.   Honesty
3.  Hard Work
4.  Respect for others
5.  Co-operation
6.  Compassion
7.   Forgiveness
8.  Patience
9.  Truthfulness
10. Generosity
11.  Loyalty
12. Righteous
13. Integrity

Moral values play a very distinctive role in the lives of all human beings. Every human beings care a lot for the moral values and related incidents that they come across in their lives. Even, the so-called anti-social elements of the society care for their part of moral responsibilities towards themselves though at a wider aspect, they do harm the morality of the society. Thus, without moral values, the very essence of a well-cultured society can never be assumed.

Wednesday, October 21, 2020


God is My Valentine
God is the source of all divine virtues. Love is the greatest virtue as well as the Greatest Power. Immense heartfelt feeling of Love of God is required to fill ourselves as we move ahead on the journey on Truth holding the hands of  God as our Companion and Guide.
1)   Firstly, to walk on the footsteps of the Almighty (God) on the path of truth.
2)  Secondly, to walk hand-in-hand with the Almighty on the path of truth with heart-felt belief on God.
3)  Thirdly, to become true companion of the Almighty on the path of truth with firm belief on oneself and the Almighty.
4)  Next, to surrender ourselves unconditionally in the hands of God making the Almighty as our Guide on the journey of truth and service towards Mankind.
I share all relations with the Almighty Authority

God is Worth Loving.
God is my father.
God is my mother.
God is my brother.
God is my sister.
God is my grandparents.
God is my teacher.
God is my Preacher (Satguru).
God is my Ideal.
God is my Best friend.
God is my companion. 
God is my Guide.
God is my in-laws.
God is my Husband.
God is my Son.
God is my daughter.
God is my Son-in-law.
God is my daughter-in-law.
God is my most beloved. 
God is my Valentine. 

God has bestowed me with all His divine virtues and divine powers. He has entitled me as Master Almighty Authority - thus making me Heiress to his entire property.  The whole Universe is God's property. Therefore, the whole Universe, the entire Humanity and the whole Mankind is awaiting for me and my service.
With my every breathe, I am moving nearer and nearer to Humanity and making myself ever-ready for rendering service towards Humanity / towards Mankind. And, simultaneously, this will lead the ultimate path to free myself from all kinds of bondages. Here, this is the stage when I, The Human Soul is loose and free from all the bondages of this Human Body. God has offered me, the Human soul- this Human body as a new cloth in this birth for performing all actions and rendering Service towards God and Mankind. In every new birth, God provides me a New Cloth i.e. a New name with a New Human Body for performing all God's task beneficial for the humanity, mankind and the Universe. 
God, I am unconditionally surrendered to you for performing all your services towards the whole Universe irrespective of any differential or categorization. "God, forgive me for all my mistakes and Empower me with all your Divine Virtues and Divine Powers to overcome all hurdles in every birth and keep performing all your tasks undoubtedly and in an organized manner- respectfully as per Your Wish."