Saturday, July 28, 2018

Stay away from Anger

Lord Gautam Buddha says:

"You will not be punished for your anger;

 You will be punished by your anger."

Stay away from Anger
Anger is a major enemy of self. Under various conditions, we wish to use our knowledge and intellect in the best manner, especially during conditions of uncertainty and instability, but ANGER – our anger controls our mind and destroys our knowledge and restricts to use it wisely. Anger itself is a vital form of punishment. The most amazing fact about anger is that others can never punish us for our anger rather it’s our own anger which punishes ourselves in the most pitiful manner. Sometimes, even the sympathetic condition is surpassed. Anger destroys the very essence of our life. During many situations, getting out of control due to anger reverses the end result of such situations where, even deadly results can be expected (due to eruption of volcano of anger). In terms of anger, generally we find there exists three categories of people in the society. Let’s elaborate such people:

1.)  First category – Those people fall in this category who cannot control any bit of their anger. Such persons suffer from many diseases especially hypertension which may later lead to severe heart problems.

2.)  Second category - Those people fall in this category who try to control bits of their anger outwardly. At situations, such people try to control their anger in order to keep the situation within their grip or control. But, inwardly, they are unable to manage the anger. Manage the anger – here, means to restrict your anger from harming yourself – your mental health as well as the physical health. Such people keep on repeating within themselves almost every bit of the awkward situation and are unable to get themselves out of the unfavourable situation.  Such people suffer from lots of distress within themselves and they are unaware when they fall prey to severe mental and physical diseases.

3.)  Third category – Very few people fall in this category. People who readily do not accept gifts from others – gifts of unwanted gossip and unfavourable situations from others - are the ones who do not fall prey to their as well as other’s anger. Such wise people understand that the situations created either by their own activities or by other’s activities are mere temporary scenes created for entertainment. So, such people do not become a part of unwanted situations and keep themselves away and safe from everyone’s bits of anger. These people remain calm outwardly as well as inwardly – for self and others.

Instead of reacting to situations by eruption of volcano of anger, these people shower divine blessings of peace, knowledge, purity and benevolent feelings of The Almighty Authority over every person who stand in a queue ready to fall prey to ANGER -  anger of self or others – hardly matters. Such people themselves are actually fulfilled to the fullest with God’s divine virtues.

Very practically, we all human beings should try to judge ourselves impartially. Till date, may be, we used to fall in the first category of people but henceforth, we should try to  makeup ourselves as one who stands first in the third category of persons. Have faith on self and God, practice makes a man perfect. We can definitely, try to overcome our anger and reserve a place/ seat for ourselves in the third category of people where only few people have occupied their seats, rest all seats are kept vacant – for us to occupy, following the path of Divinity – Divinity of The Almighty Authority.

Practical Experience to get rid of Anger:

I am a Peaceful soul

I am a Peaceful soul

I am a Peaceful soul

I am a Peaceful soul

I am a Peaceful soul

I am a Peaceful soul

I am a Peaceful soul

I am a Peaceful soul

I am a Peaceful soul

  I am a Peaceful soul.

  •    Keep on repeating end number of times - I am a Peaceful soul

  •    The peaceful vibrations of The Almighty will be showered upon me, the soul.
  •  By and by, I will get surrounded with complete peaceful vibrations of the Almighty.
  •   I will feel peace within myself – inward as well as outward.
  •    All my body organs will feel and experience the peace of the Almighty – as if cool, calm rays of peace are entering all my body organs.
  •   Maybe, I feel the same when I stand at the seashore experiencing the cool breeze of the sea / ocean.
  • At times, I may feel the warmth of the peaceful vibrations of the Almighty – as if I am facing the Sun and experiencing deep within me the warmth of the Sun rays.
  •  The people surrounding us will also experience the magic of such peaceful vibrations of the Almighty.
  •  The bubbles of anger will settle down slowly, thus spreading the peaceful rays of The Almighty in the surrounding atmosphere.
    How to Stay Away from Anger

Thursday, July 12, 2018



Enlightened Souls
God is the Supreme Soul and we all human beings are Souls. God is the Almighty Authority and we all human beings are his children. As God’s children, we all human beings are brothers. Thus, we all share universal brotherhood.
God is an ocean of virtues. We, as God’s children, automatically inherit all the divine virtues of our most beloved GOD – equally share all relationships with him irrespective of gender, caste, creed, race or religion. Very much similar to God, we all souls are :
*     Master knowledgeful
*     Master peaceful
*     Master purity
*   Master loveful
*     Master happiness
*     Master blissful
*     Master powerful

We all souls are always full of each and every power of God.
  1.   When the souls are completely full of God’s all powers, it’s Satopradhan stage of the souls (Golden era of souls).
  2.   When the powers of God within the souls start diminishing to some extent, it’s Rajopradhan stage of the soul (Silver era of souls).
  3. When the powers of God within the soul continue to diminish day by day, as in case of today’s time, until the soul gets itself completely deprived of all divine qualities of God, it’s the Tamopradhan stage of the souls 
         (Iron era of souls).

Saturday, May 6, 2017


Pain/ Sorrow - Negative Thoughts

  • Identity of pain/ sorrow/ fear
  • What is pain/ sorrow/ fear?
  • Where is the abode of pain/ sorrow/ fear?
  • Where is the temporary and permanent address of pain/ sorrow/ fear?
  • What is the role of pain/ sorrow/ fear in one's life?
  •  What is the ultimate goal of pain/ sorrow/ fear?
  • What are the factors that cause pain/ sorrow/ fear?
  • What are the factors that can help to reduce the pain/ sorrow/ fear?
  •  What is the only proper remedy to overcome the pain/ sorrow/ fear factor - Unconditional and complete surrendrance of myself to the Almighty Authority.
Everyday, all of us, come across the most familiar terms of our life- pain/ sorrow. Early, as soon as, I wake up in the morning and get along with the daily core activities of my life - I start feeling Pain within myself. The pain is not in the arm or leg or elsewhere in any physical organ i.e. the pain is not physical but it's mental. Somewhere, in my mind or in my heart, I start feeling the pain or sorrow or rather fear.  In our lives, we face pain/ sorrow due to two basic activities - firstly, due to our actions done in the past and secondly, due to the actions being done in the present time i.e. the actions performed by us in our everyday moments.

Great Men say - Feeling pain is the key to feel Happiness and Freedom.
For a layman, like you and me, pain is the worst feeling in one's life. We, ourselves have made pain so common in our lives that pain has replaced salt in our daily meals. Now, instead of adding adequate quantity of salt in our everyday meals, what we do? We add sometimes more, sometimes less Pain in our meals - either at the time of cooking, our mothers do or at the time of eating, we ourselves do. 
The above means- pain has caught hold of all our small bits of happiness. In earlier times, we all used to put efforts to spend time with our family members - sharing our good or bitter experiences. The time spent together was enough to be happy for all the family members. But today, pain has replaced our togetherness. All family members due to some or other issues are filled with sorrow and pain. So, instead of spending quality time with our family members, we feel relaxed being alone/ aloof. Being alone - with our pain/ stress/ tension/ mental irritation. 
In today's era, the pain causing factors are simply endless. Even a Nursery class child says he/ she has so much of task to do that he / she is filled with tension. At home, his mother gives work to do; in school, his teacher gives daily class work and homework; his music teacher tells him to practise all musical traits on daily basis. So, the nursery class child is fully occupied - mentally and says He is having so much of tension. Listen to Mom, Obey your teacher, Respect your grandma, etc. 
If we talk about elders, imagine every moment spent and every task started with or accomplished with - gives pain accompanied with stress, tension and finally Sorrow. 

If the task ends up well, sorrow gets transformed to Peace, Happiness, Bliss. This gets possible when we combine - the work started & accomplished by us - with the Divine virtues and powers of the Almighty Authority. 
Explanation : 
How to get rid of pain in the present (by our present actions):
The moment we assign any piece of work to ourselves, immediately surrender that particular work to the Almighty Authority. As discussed, we are mere players in the hands of the Almighty Authority. It is God, who makes us to complete His Piece of Work - we need to remind this to ourselves every moment.  We say, I am doing my work or I have a lot of work to do for myself and my family or at the workplace. Let's correct ourselves - it's not my piece of work to do - it's God's piece of work which he wants to be done by me; God wants me or rather God has appointed me to accomplish his this particular piece of work. Eg. If I am working as a Teacher in any one of the schools in the city. But I never wanted to work as a Teacher in any school, still under some circumstances, I am performing the task of/ role of a Teacher in that particular school. Why am I doing something which I never wanted to do? Why am I agreeing to the wish of Almighty - to work as a Teacher in that school? The answer to first question is - We are mere players in the hands of the Almighty. What to do, when to do, where to do, how to do - all depends on the Almighty - how He wants his work to be accomplished and by whom. The reply to second question is - I am agreeing to the wish of the Almighty because I am fully surrendered to Him unconditionally. I want to do only that piece of work which the Almighty wants me to do irrespective of my choice, my interest, my ability or my need or necessity. The moment I perform the task which God wants me to do - it forms a positive action for my life. On the other hand, the moment I disagree to perform a particular piece of work assigned for me by the Almighty - I react to that situation instead of silent acceptance for the action - this forms a negative action for my life. This present action (rather reaction) for declining (not accepting) the work forms the reason or cause for pain/ sorrow in the future actions of my life.Here is a flowchart to show the method - how to overcome/ lessen the pain or sorrow created by our own actions being done in the present time/ present moment of our life.
Steps to be followed unconditionally to get rid of pain/ sorrow (in our present day actions) :


Before beginning with any work / new work, I remind myself – I am a Knowledgeful Soul. Then, I start a work, continue with the work, finally complete the work. Whatever is the end result- is as decided by God because with utmost faith & belief, I had surrendered the work & it's successful result to the Almighty. To be more practical, I have done the work of the Almighty so the end result is His concern. Let me be at peace internally. I am A Peaceful Soul!  I am A Pious Soul.In case, the work ends up with a negative result, RELAX, it's God's wish to have a negative effect of that particular work on few people who perceive the result of the action directly and immediately. But, to be very sure, the end result of the work in due course of time will be most fruitful and sweetest for all and everyone in the whole universe. We are well acquainted with Nature’s Law which says – Every act on this Earth is for the benefit of all- today or tomorrow. The manner & time of benefit differs for one and all. Maybe, today the result is good for me, for someone it’s not equally beneficial today but definitely, it’ll prove beneficial in the future time for one and all. For this, the divine virtues of patience, humility, knowledge with immense faith & love for God is required.
So, Relax, even if the work ends up with any Negative outcome, God will take care of the same provided you whole-heartedly surrendered the work & it’s outcome to the Almighty without any feeling of selfishness for yourself. Remember, complete unconditional surrendrance to God is mandatory else, you have to again suffer the pain / sorrow – even if the result ends up with a positive outcome. Why? Why will I suffer if the result ends positively, in that case I would be the happiest for accomplishing the task successfully. Because, the end result of the work is not as per God’s wish. I could not complete the work in the manner as God wanted me to do, I added my own thoughts to the work which acted as impurity to the work and the end result varied from that as God wanted / expected. The expected result would be beneficial for all creatures of the Universe but  the result which I brought would be beneficial only to a handful people – only to those people whom we love, we know and we are aware of.
Trust God
Love God
Believe God
Have Faith on God
God is on Earth
God is taking care of all things
God is saving us from all miseries.