Tuesday, August 21, 2018



Moral Values

The most important moral values of life are-
  1. Love is the law of life - All love is expansion, all selfishness is contraction. Love is therefore the only law of life. The one who loves, lives while the one who is selfish, is dying. Therefore, love for love's sake because it is law of life, just as you breathe to live.
  2. It's Your outlook that matters - It is our own mental attitude that makes the world what it is for us. Our thoughts make things beautiful; our thoughts make things ugly. The whole world is in our own minds. The way we think, we see things around us.
  3. Life is Beautiful - First, believe in this world- that there is meaning and reason behind everything. Everything in the world is good, is holy and is beautiful. If you see something evil, interpret it to mean that you do not yet understand it in the right light. Turn the ball and see it in the light of righteous. 
  4. It's The way you Feel - Feel like Christ and you will be a Christ; feel like Buddha and you will be a Buddha. It is the feeling that is the life, the strength, the vitality- without which no amount of intellectual activity can reach God. Feel like a King, you will be the King!
  5.  Set Yourself Free - The moment I have realized that we all souls (human beings) are the Children Of God, I have started sharing the Universal Brotherhood among all human beings. Feeling presence of God in every breathe - every moment, I am free from bondages, everything that binds vanishes and I am free.
  6. Don't Play the Blame Game - Condemn none: if you can stretch out a helping hand, do so. If you cannot, fold your hands, bless your brothers and let them go their own way. Also, do not blame others for YOUR OWN ACTIONS be ready to face consequences.
  7. Help Others - If money helps a man to do good to others, it is of some value; but if not, it is simply a mass of evil, and the sooner it is got rid of, the better. So, it's always best to help others at times of their need.
  8. Uphold your Ideals - Our duty is to encourage everyone in one's struggle to live up to one's own highest ideal, and strive at the same time to make the ideal as near as possible to the Truth.
  9. Listen to Your Soul - Listen to your Sub-conscious mind. You have to grow from the inside out. None can teach you, none can make you spiritual. There is no other teacher but your own soul. Being spiritual, will bring you closer and closer to The Lord.
  10. Be Yourself - The greatest religion is to be true to your own nature. Have faith in yourselves! For, God helps those who help themselves. 
  11. Nothing is Impossible - Impossible says - "I'm possible". Never think there is anything impossible for the soul. It is the greatest heresy to think so. If there is sin, this is the only sin - to say that you are weak, or others are weak.
  12. You have the Power - Being the Children of the Almighty, all the powers in the Universe are already ours. It is we who have put our hands before our eyes and cry that it is dark.
  13. Learn Everyday - The goal of mankind is knowledge...now this knowledge is inherent in man. No knowledge comes from outside: it is all inside. What we say a man 'knows', should, in strict psychological language, be what he 'discovers' or 'unveils'; what man 'learns' is really what he discovers by taking the cover off his own soul, which is a mine of infinite knowledge.
  14. Be Truthful -
  15. Think Differently - All differences in this world are of degree and most importantly, of thoughts but not of kind. Because oneness is the secret of everything. Think and Do things differently; for Great men do not do different things but they do things differently (it's the way/path which differentiate them from the crowd).

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

About the blog

The Blog 

The blog is about THE ALMIGHTY AUTHORITY – GOD. The blog emphasizes over  God’s existence in this universe, his virtues - to be embedded into, his teachings - to be followed by, his powers – to be adopted, his sayings – to be followed word by word and many more such things. 
The blog is also about knowing oneself – as the child of THE ALMIGHTY AUTHORITY. I am God's Child -
Mein ishwar ki santan hoon.
The blog is based on spirituality and focuses on Divine virtues. The blog shows how A PERFECT ACTION performed on the earth is actually a heavenly Happening inspired By God pertaining to fulfillment of God's work.
The blog focuses on facing and understanding every moment / incident  in one’s life as “A Puppet show in which we are the mere players or puppets  portraying different roles  wherein the reigns are in the hands of the Almighty God”.   
"Ye duniya ek rangmanch hai,  humsab es duniya mein un katputliyo ki tarah hain,  jinki baagdor  swayam  parmatma ke haath mein hai."

Puppet Show (Rang Manch)
The blog is completely surrendered to the Almighty Authority in order to diversify His Name and Fame along with His Virtues, Powers and Divine work in this Universe.
Furthermore, it’s more of practical implementation of God’s virtues, His qualities, His powers, His sayings and most importantly, 


Saturday, July 28, 2018

Stay away from Anger

Lord Gautam Buddha says:

"You will not be punished for your anger;

 You will be punished by your anger."

Stay away from Anger
Anger is a major enemy of self. Under various conditions, we wish to use our knowledge and intellect in the best manner, especially during conditions of uncertainty and instability, but ANGER – our anger controls our mind and destroys our knowledge and restricts to use it wisely. Anger itself is a vital form of punishment. The most amazing fact about anger is that others can never punish us for our anger rather it’s our own anger which punishes ourselves in the most pitiful manner. Sometimes, even the sympathetic condition is surpassed. Anger destroys the very essence of our life. During many situations, getting out of control due to anger reverses the end result of such situations where, even deadly results can be expected (due to eruption of volcano of anger). In terms of anger, generally we find there exists three categories of people in the society. Let’s elaborate such people:

1.)  First category – Those people fall in this category who cannot control any bit of their anger. Such persons suffer from many diseases especially hypertension which may later lead to severe heart problems.

2.)  Second category - Those people fall in this category who try to control bits of their anger outwardly. At situations, such people try to control their anger in order to keep the situation within their grip or control. But, inwardly, they are unable to manage the anger. Manage the anger – here, means to restrict your anger from harming yourself – your mental health as well as the physical health. Such people keep on repeating within themselves almost every bit of the awkward situation and are unable to get themselves out of the unfavourable situation.  Such people suffer from lots of distress within themselves and they are unaware when they fall prey to severe mental and physical diseases.

3.)  Third category – Very few people fall in this category. People who readily do not accept gifts from others – gifts of unwanted gossip and unfavourable situations from others - are the ones who do not fall prey to their as well as other’s anger. Such wise people understand that the situations created either by their own activities or by other’s activities are mere temporary scenes created for entertainment. So, such people do not become a part of unwanted situations and keep themselves away and safe from everyone’s bits of anger. These people remain calm outwardly as well as inwardly – for self and others.

Instead of reacting to situations by eruption of volcano of anger, these people shower divine blessings of peace, knowledge, purity and benevolent feelings of The Almighty Authority over every person who stand in a queue ready to fall prey to ANGER -  anger of self or others – hardly matters. Such people themselves are actually fulfilled to the fullest with God’s divine virtues.

Very practically, we all human beings should try to judge ourselves impartially. Till date, may be, we used to fall in the first category of people but henceforth, we should try to  makeup ourselves as one who stands first in the third category of persons. Have faith on self and God, practice makes a man perfect. We can definitely, try to overcome our anger and reserve a place/ seat for ourselves in the third category of people where only few people have occupied their seats, rest all seats are kept vacant – for us to occupy, following the path of Divinity – Divinity of The Almighty Authority.

Practical Experience to get rid of Anger:

I am a Peaceful soul

I am a Peaceful soul

I am a Peaceful soul

I am a Peaceful soul

I am a Peaceful soul

I am a Peaceful soul

I am a Peaceful soul

I am a Peaceful soul

I am a Peaceful soul

  I am a Peaceful soul.

  •    Keep on repeating end number of times - I am a Peaceful soul

  •    The peaceful vibrations of The Almighty will be showered upon me, the soul.
  •  By and by, I will get surrounded with complete peaceful vibrations of the Almighty.
  •   I will feel peace within myself – inward as well as outward.
  •    All my body organs will feel and experience the peace of the Almighty – as if cool, calm rays of peace are entering all my body organs.
  •   Maybe, I feel the same when I stand at the seashore experiencing the cool breeze of the sea / ocean.
  • At times, I may feel the warmth of the peaceful vibrations of the Almighty – as if I am facing the Sun and experiencing deep within me the warmth of the Sun rays.
  •  The people surrounding us will also experience the magic of such peaceful vibrations of the Almighty.
  •  The bubbles of anger will settle down slowly, thus spreading the peaceful rays of The Almighty in the surrounding atmosphere.
    How to Stay Away from Anger