Thursday, December 10, 2020

Fly with God imbibing God's Knowledge within the Soul


Knowledge of God is the most precious belonging

The most important form of God’s knowledge that must be practically applied in our lives-
a)   We, all humans are children of God irrespective of gender, caste, colour, religion, etc.
b)   GOD IS LIGHT. He is the Supreme Authority. He is POWER.
c)  God’s abode is far away from the earth, beyond the horizon, beyond the planets, beyond the sun, moon, stars, beyond the space, beyond the galaxies, far far far away from humans’ and Science’s reach.
d)  God’s abode is somewhere where neither our vision can reach nor Science’s highly advanced technology can reach. It’s only our thoughts and the waves of our mind which can visualize the ABODE OF GOD. After getting familiarized with the place (abode of God), within few seconds we can reach there, greet GOD, have a fruitful meeting with HIM and get back to our workplace (karm-shetra) i.e. on the earth.
e)   The occupation of GOD is G-Generation, O- operation,  D- Destruction.                     God is the ultimate one who is responsible for Generation of Life on the Earth. He is the inspiration behind every NEW BEGINNING / NEW LIFE on Earth.
               The next work of God is Operation of life / lively things on the Earth. We start our every new day / new work in the Name of God and by the end of the day / work, we express our gratitude towards God and His Children (the fellow human beings) for successful completion of the work.
               The next task of GOD is Destruction of Life / work being operated/ done on the Earth. It’s well said, “EVERY END HAS A NEW BEGINNING”. So, while a particular work is being done, the NEGATIVE INPUTS must be eliminated from the work done. So that, when the OUTPUT is achieved we obtain a FLAWLESS-PERFECT-COMPLETE TASK. And then, move on to a new task. 
f)    God’s ultimate goal is to act as THE DIRECTOR and make all the human beings – act as THE CHARACTERS of a DRAMA / PLAY. The world is a stage where we all human beings play different roles/characters at different times of our life. 
g)  We humans are the souls wearing the costumes of Human Bodies over ourselves. We souls are alike the drivers of our human bodies. It is the soul which rules the human body. As human bodies have – a proper organ system – eyes, ear, nose, heart, brain, kidney, lungs, limbs, shoulder and such more organs; the Soul has three most important parts – heart, intellect and  moral values (sanskars).
     h)  The human souls are having a temporary and a permanent address. The temporary address being the workplace- where the human souls perform actions while the permanent address being the place where the souls generally rest after completion of one full cycle on the earth (the workplace). The human souls'  workplace is on the EARTH. Thus, the temporary address of the human souls is THE EARTH. While the permanent address is the place which is also the ABODE OF GOD – THE PARAMDHAM (the place which is higher and higher above, beyond our eyesight).  The human souls are the children of GOD so they share the same place of residence.
    i) The occupation of the human souls is to simply follow the rules made by GOD and obey God’s instructions. Basically, the human souls must lead a noble, truthful life throughout. The Basic occupation of human souls is to ACT AND NEVER REACT (over any situation).
    j)  The ultimate goal of Human souls, as set by GOD, is to BECOME PERFECT, FLAWLESS HUMAN SOULS (MASTER  ALMIGHTY  AUTHORITY – child of GOD).
     As set by the Almighty Authority, God the objective of human souls is to become, “Nar se Narayan tatha Nari se Lakshmi”. This means that every man must try to become equivalent to the divinely Lord Vishnu / Lord Narayan  and every woman must try to become equivalent to the divinely Goddess Lakshmi, the better-half of Lord Vishnu.  This further implies that every man and every woman must imbibe within themselves the divine virtues of GOD and that their actions must be divinely.
     Once this, ultimate goal is achieved every man and every woman i.e. every child of GOD would ever be happy, peaceful, blissful and powerful.

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