"Power to Decide the Right (Perform Righteous Actions)"
- What is the “divine power to decide the right”?
- Why is the “power to decide the right” needed to develop within ourselves?
- Why is the “power to decide the right” needed to increase within ourselves day by day?
- When to use the “power to decide the right” correctly in our lives?
- How to use the “power to decide the right” in various situations of our lives?
our everyday life, we use the “Divine power to decide the right” – decide the right, correct & truthful actions going on in the surroundings in our
life. Starting from early in the morning when we wake up till the late night
until we go to sleep, we come across various categories of situations/ people in our life. Every
moment stands as an EMBODIMENT of situation in front of us. Some of such situations have positive
while others have negative impact in our basic life. Similarly, some people have positive effect while some other people have negative effect upon our lives. God helps us to increase the Divine Power to Decide the right, correct & truthful actions for ourselves as well as for others.
The Divine
Power to Decide the right is the outcome of the Power to Discriminate
right over the wrong. After achieving the Power to Discriminate
the right, the good & the truth over the wrong, the evil & the
falsehood; we reach a stage when we possess the ability to make the most
righteous, truthful, pious, evergreen, beneficial decisions. The Divine
Power to Decide the right is the ability to assess the options/ alternatives
present in front of us, make decisions and perform actions which
result in the betterment of the true self and others.
This is
the power of truth, the power to choose truth, to stand alone in that truth
no matter what happens or who accompanies you. It is directly connected to the
Power to Discriminate and takes Power to have much of the clarity/ clear vision
to know the truth, right & good. Often, we know & understand the
truth, right & good but due to lack of The Divine Power to Decide the right, we are unable
to stand along, follow and act as per the truth, right or good.
This power requires me to be completely free from any
attachment and be impartial to the outcome of the right decision. I have to
take the decision, follow through the action and surrender the outcome/ result
of the impartial action upon the Almighty. I need not disturb myself thinking
about the expectations of the result/ outcome. I should not have any
expectations or intermingle any of my thoughts by thinking about the
result. In such case, I create a sense/ feeling of worry, doubt,
confusion or even disagreed negative result. I need to understand and
imbibe within the true self (Human Soul) that whatever decision I make, after attaining the Power to Discriminate, will
be destined (as per my destiny), fortunate enough (lucky) and accurate (perfect
as per Divinity). The best outcome will definitely come in front of
me and I will have a lot to learn, earn and benefit from such destined clear result.
Act Righteous
Divine Power to Decide the right allows me to take and make
quick, clear, accurate and unbiased / impartial decisions consistently. I
am able to make myself free from the attraction and influence of emotions and
opinions of others. I am able to adopt a clear understanding of what is
right from what is morally wrong. This needs clarity of thoughts. Such clarity
of thoughts is obtained and all clouds of negativity is removed when there is
harmony of the mind and intellect with a detached vision. I need to keep myself
away from all negative perspectives which forces me to look at the defects or
shortcomings or weaknesses or the negative actions present within others. I need to assign myself the position
of a solution-provider and not stand as a problem- creator. I need to stand
as an observer and see/ observe the problem rather I need not jump
directly into the problem and get myself inter-twinned with the problem.
Always stand aback from a position outside the problem. As when we stand on top
of the mountain, the city below looks small and friendly. Similarly, stay
outside of the problem and discriminate the actions which will help in making
the right decision. Also, when we are lost in any forest, we cannot even see
the trees, we keep on revolving round and round and keep on arriving at the
same place. This happens because we lose control over ourselves and concentrate on the problem and do not take
the hassle-free pain to look outside towards the solution.
Let's discuss how to use & apply the Divine Power to Decide the Right in our everyday lives/ day to day situations:
Dear Readers, we all have heard the story of a man
who lost his gold finger ring under the shade of a tree during the daytime.
He searched for the finger ring at many places but could not find it. Later on,
when it got dark, he recalled that he might have lost the finger ring under the
shade of the tree. After reaching there, he found there was complete darkness
and he could not find anything under the tree. Nearby, there was a street light
lamp post. So, the man under stress & tension without thinking much,
started searching for his gold finger ring under the street light with the hope
that he might get his gold finger ring under the light of street light. Basically
as a layman, he did so because he thought it would be better to search at a
place where there was light instead of the place which was complete dark due to
lack of source of proper light. But, the exact place was only under the tree - irrespective of the fact whether under the tree- it was complete darkness or lightened up. In case of complete darkness, it was the moral responsibility of the man to lighten up the place and then move on to search for the ring. (Here, precious gold finger ring is nothing but "Peace of the Human Soul").
As readers and observers, we are reading the story,
listening to the problem, observing the situation (problem) by staying outside
the problem. Now, we can easily judge the situation since we are
detached from the situation or problem. Even small aged children can say
that the person was doing wrong act by searching for his gold finger ring under
the light of the street light. Firstly, he should search the ring under the
tree-shade. Even, if it had got dark, he should light up a candle or a
matchstick or any torch or any other source providing light. With the help of a
proper source of light, he can easily find the precious gold finger ring under
the tree.
What does this story imply in everyone’s life?
Summary – I need to use the Divine
Power to Decide the righteous act for me after judging the right, truthful
& correct action.
All the Divine Virtues and the Divine powers of the Almighty are mine. These Divine Virtues and the Divine powers of the Almighty are my birthright because I am the child of the Almighty and I am born to inherit the entire property of these Divine Virtues and the Divine powers of the Almighty.
I am the "Heir" to these Divine Virtues and the Divine powers of the Almighty. I will always use them wisely as a Trustee with complete unconditional surrendrance to the Almighty Authority.
Let's discuss how to use & apply the Divine Power to Decide the Right in our everyday lives/ day to day situations:
Dear Readers, we all have heard the story of a man
who lost his gold finger ring under the shade of a tree during the daytime.
He searched for the finger ring at many places but could not find it. Later on,
when it got dark, he recalled that he might have lost the finger ring under the
shade of the tree. After reaching there, he found there was complete darkness
and he could not find anything under the tree. Nearby, there was a street light
lamp post. So, the man under stress & tension without thinking much,
started searching for his gold finger ring under the street light with the hope
that he might get his gold finger ring under the light of street light. Basically
as a layman, he did so because he thought it would be better to search at a
place where there was light instead of the place which was complete dark due to
lack of source of proper light. But, the exact place was only under the tree - irrespective of the fact whether under the tree- it was complete darkness or lightened up. In case of complete darkness, it was the moral responsibility of the man to lighten up the place and then move on to search for the ring. (Here, precious gold finger ring is nothing but "Peace of the Human Soul").
As readers and observers, we are reading the story,
listening to the problem, observing the situation (problem) by staying outside
the problem. Now, we can easily judge the situation since we are
detached from the situation or problem. Even small aged children can say
that the person was doing wrong act by searching for his gold finger ring under
the light of the street light. Firstly, he should search the ring under the
tree-shade. Even, if it had got dark, he should light up a candle or a
matchstick or any torch or any other source providing light. With the help of a
proper source of light, he can easily find the precious gold finger ring under
the tree.
What does this story imply in everyone’s life?
All the Divine Virtues and the Divine powers of the Almighty are mine. These Divine Virtues and the Divine powers of the Almighty are my birthright because I am the child of the Almighty and I am born to inherit the entire property of these Divine Virtues and the Divine powers of the Almighty.
I am the "Heir" to these Divine Virtues and the Divine powers of the Almighty. I will always use them wisely as a Trustee with complete unconditional surrendrance to the Almighty Authority.
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