Tuesday, January 7, 2020


"Power to Discriminate Good over Evil"

  • What is the “divine power to discriminate”?
  •  Why is the “power to discriminate” needed to develop within ourselves?
  •  Why is the “power to discriminate” needed to increase within ourselves day by day?
  • When to use the “power to discriminate” correctly in our lives?
  • How to use the “power to discriminate” in various situations of our lives?
  • How to enhance the “power to discriminate good over evil"? 

In our everyday life, we use the “Divine power to discriminate – differentiate positive things from negative thoughts/ negative surroundings in our life. Starting from early in the morning when we wake up till the late night until we go to sleep, we come across various categories of situations/ people in our life. Every moment stands as an EMBODIMENT of situation in front of us. Some of such situations have positive while others have negative impact in our basic life. Similarly, some people have positive effect while some other people have negative effect upon our lives. God helps us to increase the Divine Power to discriminate positive things from negative thoughts or actions of ours as well as those of others. 

The Divine power to discriminate is the ability to differentiate between the right & wrong, true & false. The Divine power to discriminate is the ability to differentiate between correct & incorrect, positive & negative. It is the power of consulting our consciousness to understand truth and falsehood, right and wrong, reality and illusion. It is the power of the intellect, the divine intellect to understand accurately with a clear vision/ sight to choose the right & correct action to be performed. This power requires high level of trust, faith, confidence in the True Self (as a Human Soul) and in the Almighty Authority as the Ocean of all Divine Virtues and Divine Powers.
The Divine power to discriminate helps us to stand upright with the right & correct things of life even against all oppositions and selfishness. This power helps to Live in the Present Time; develop the ability to look beyond the present time & forecast any future implications / incidents related to me and others. This power of forecasting the tentative incidents of future related to me helps me in proper coordination of actions rather than abruptly or spontaneously reacting to unknown situations that might come up in front of me suddenly. This Divine Power helps to apply the correct values to the thoughts, words and actions of myself and others.
As a jeweller uses his power to discriminate real diamonds from the unreal or false ones  so we can also differentiate/ discriminate-  positive, worthwhile thoughts and discard the negative, harmful ones.  These are the negative thoughts which often form a cloud before the ability of true discrimination; that we lose clarity in thoughts especially during negative situations when the motive is selfish, injurious, deceitful and dangerous for us.
Dear readers, we all have read about, if not seen, a swan. It is the ability of a swan gifted by Nature or God that can naturally differentiate a mixture of milk & water. The liquid "Milk" constitutes of around 70 % of water and the rest 30% consists of Solid not Fats. This is the real status of milk as a liquid as present in the nature in its real and natural form. In several cases, the human beings add more quantity of plain water externally to increase the quantity of milk. So, in general the milk gets impurified with water. There is a scientific instrument in modern days called Lactometer which measures the exact amount of pure milk and thus, the amount of extra added plain water can be known. Hence, this instrument helps us to discriminate the pure milk from the impurified mixture of milk and water. This is Science. In Nature as well, God has adorned the Swan with the natural ability to discriminate with full accuracy - the pure milk from the impurified mixture of milk and water. Similarly, we also need to stand upfront as a swan that can differentiate the pure milk, from added extra amount of water in a mixture of milk & water, with complete accuracy. Means- we need to discriminate in the crowd of peoplethe truthful, pious and committed people (those who are full of positive thoughts, words & actions)from those who have feelings and emotions of jealousy, selfishness, deceiving nature including many more negative thoughts, words or actions.
Also, we have seen jewellers working in jewellery shops where they discriminate the real gold, silver, diamond or platinum jewelleries from those which are the imitation ones - means the artificial jewellery. A general layman cannot discriminate between the real jewellery and the artificial one. For the general layman, it is very difficult to identify the real & true gems. Some of us may very vaguely differentiate the real gems but we cannot identify the accurate purity of the real gem. For knowing the accuracy of purity or perfection of any real gem, we take it to the Jeweller, so that he can help us.
1.)  The Jeweller helps us to firstly, know whether the gem is a piece of stone or any real gem.
2.) Secondly, the jeweller helps us to know the exact quantity of purity of the real gem – How much pure is the gem?
3.)Thirdly, the jeweller specifies us- the amount and nature of impurities mixed in the gem. What kind of different ores or metals or any alloy form is mixed with the real gem (which a layman cannot easily identify)?
The Jeweller through different ways – magnifying glass or any microscopic lens or further using any automatic machine – finds out the exact purity of the real Gem.
Let's discuss how to use & apply the Divine Power to Discriminate in our everyday lives/ day to day situations:
We all need to develop –
  • The Power to Discriminate good over evil
  • The Power to Discriminate correct over incorrect
  • The Power to Discriminate truth over falsehood
  • The Power to Discriminate pure over impure
  • The Power to Discriminate right over wrong
  • The Power to Discriminate reality over illusion
  • The Power to Discriminate benefit over loses
  • The Power to Discriminate fact over myth
  • The Power to Discriminate happiness over sorrow
  • The Power to Discriminate worthful thoughts over the wasteful ones
  • The Power to Discriminate harmless over harmful thoughts & actions
  • The Power to Discriminate positive over negative.
How to develop the Power to Discriminate Good over Evil? 
1.) Firstly, I must know the exact definition & meaning of - Good,correct, truth, pure, right, reality, benefit, fact, positive - without adding any impurity to the definition.
2.) "Exact definition" stands for - the most perfect, most appropriate, most standard and most balanced definition of the above terms in our lives.
"Impurity" stands for - the additives or the beverages that we add to the above terms as per our competency or lethargic nature or better say, our inability to keep ourselves firm on Nature's Laws.
3.) For instance, suppose I say, any friend of mine has cheated me through any means - may be in profession, at workplace or provoked any of my family members against me- it may be any negative action. 
What will be my action as a general person/ layman? I will have ill feelings for him/her in my mind and I will get determined to take revenge over him/ her.  I will not miss any opportunity to let him down at the workplace or even family matters - at any smallest event or incident. Reminding him that he has, in some or the other way, tried to cheat me or rather cheated me. This is the Evil action where I am trying to take revenge over the other person.
4.) When I develop the power to Discriminate what will I do?
a) I will initially discriminate correct over the incorrect. 
b) My friend cheated me - this is the incorrect action done by the friend. 
c) If I think of taking revenge upon the friend - again, it will be an incorrect action thought by me.
d) Be bold & confident, have trust, faith & full surrendrance towards the Almighty. 
e) Take the step to - "FORGIVE AND FORGET".
 the Power to Discriminate;
Shower benevolent feelings & blessings of God over the person so that the so-called friend also develops the Power to Discriminate good over evil and walks hand-in-hand with truth, corrective actions and gets rid of all darkness of falsehood in his life as well. 
Furthermore, he also teaches others through his truthful actions to walk hand-in-hand with truth, corrective actions and today's Cheated Friend sets an example of Truthfulness & Goodness among his family members and in the society.
"To err is Human; 
To Forgive is Divine.
Hence, this is Divine Inspiration."

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