Monday, May 24, 2021

Accept the Present Pandemic Situation positively

In present prevailing pandemic situation almost every moment spent and every task started with or accomplished with - gives pain accompanied with stress, tension and finally Sorrow. 

 If the task ends up well, sorrow gets transformed to Peace, Happiness, Bliss. This gets possible when we combine - the work started & accomplished by us - with the Divine virtues and powers of the Almighty Authority.

Accept the pain and Face the present situation

Before beginning with any work / new work, I remind myself – I am a Knowledgeful Soul. Then, I start a work, continue with the work, finally complete the work. Whatever is the end result- is as decided by God because with utmost faith & belief, I had surrendered the work & it's successful result to the Almighty. To be more practical, I have done the work of the Almighty so the end result is His concern. Let me be at peace internally. I am A Peaceful Soul!  I am A Pious Soul.In case, the work ends up with a negative result, RELAX, it's God's wish to have a negative effect of that particular work on few people who perceive the result of the action directly and immediately. But, to be very sure, the end result of the work in due course of time will be most fruitful and sweetest for all and everyone in the whole universe. We are well acquainted with Nature’s Law which says – Every act on this Earth is for the benefit of all- today or tomorrow. The manner & time of benefit differs for one and all. Maybe, today the result is good for me, for someone it’s not equally beneficial today but definitely, it’ll prove beneficial in the future time for one and all. For this, the divine virtues of patience, humility, knowledge with immense faith & love for God is required.
So, Relax, even if the work ends up with any Negative outcome, God will take care of the same provided you whole-heartedly surrendered the work & it’s outcome to the Almighty without any feeling of selfishness for yourself. Remember, complete unconditional surrendrance to God is mandatory else, you have to again suffer the pain / sorrow – even if the result ends up with a positive outcome. Why? Why will I suffer if the result ends positively, in that case I would be the happiest for accomplishing the task successfully. Because, the end result of the work is not as per God’s wish. I could not complete the work in the manner as God wanted me to do, I added my own thoughts to the work which acted as impurity to the work and the end result varied from that as God wanted / expected. The expected result would be beneficial for all creatures of the Universe but  the result which I brought would be beneficial only to a handful people – only to those people whom we love, we know and we are aware of.
Trust God
Love God
Believe God
Have Faith on God
God is on Earth
God is taking care of all things
God is saving us from all miseries.

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