Thursday, April 1, 2021

God's Help Part 3

God's Help (via) Love Of God

It is generally believed that I will help myself with the Help of The Almighty.

I can, I may, I should and I must help myself with the thoughts of God (inspirations of God), attain Help from God and finally accomplish the tasks of God (in disguise).

I help myself;

I help others (through God's inspiration);

I have filled myself with the pious love of God.

Have a pious heart to fill it with Love of God

Swami Ramakrishna Paramhansa has said:

"Fill yourself with Love of God before entering the World of Universe".

God's help can be experienced with pious heart and selfless love of the Almighty. Pray to God for - a pious heart which can fill itself completely with selfless love of the Almighty.

Let's consider few examples -

If we put place value of English alphabets as per the order of their placement, then the place value of A will be1; accordingly B will be 2 and so on. Let's write them below for everyone's easy reference.





























Numerical Value 



























After putting the place value of the English alphabets, next let's analyze the numerical value of certain English words which have their immense importance in everyone of our lives. Few words such as success, hard work, intellect, mindful, attitude etc. have great meaning in our lives and these words help us to either rise or have a downfall subsequently in our lives.

Numerical Value of certain very important words in our lives

Many people believe God is omnipresent. While others believe God is the super-natural power who can only be felt through our beliefs and faith. While yet others believe there is no one such as God, no power exists who rules the Universe.

So, different people have various faiths and beliefs as per their thinking and thought flow. None can judge the other's beliefs i.e. either existence or non-existence of God cannot be identified or judged. The existence or non-existence relies upon our thought process as well as our way of leading our lives.

Some people believe, it's only our hard work which paves the path for success. While others believe hard work along with luck (fortune) is also required to enjoy the journey of success along the untrodden path. Various people have various beliefs as per their journey of life.

Generally, any action begins with an idea. The idea (if my mind and intellect is clean and clear) in fact, is God's vibration (God's inspiration). We need to act on the idea and make a detailed plan for further implementation of the plan. Next, the plan has to take a practical form in action. The action is being performed by me. I think the task is mine and it's my responsibility to perform the task but infact, the task is God's as well as it's God's responsibility to accomplish the task. So, I need not take the pain to think too much about the action and it's end result. As I start with the action, the work has begun. The ball has started to roll across the journey of it's untrodden path. Once, started the work will have various difficulties along it's path. I need to be alert, tactful and mindful while doing the work and taking the work move further on and on towards its journey of accomplishment. At various steps, difficulties and obstacles will keep harassing me and my thoughts. But, my alertness with mindfulness and tactfulness will eradicate all obstacles and pave the journey of success. To be mindful, a clean and clear intellect is required which will keep me under a strong safety shield. Hard work is yet another pillar for attaining success. A wise intellect coupled with hard work determines the winning strategy of every particular task. The most important factor in the entire process from inception of an idea (through hard work with a wise intellect) till the implementation and accomplishment of the task is - Positive Attitude. Attitude makes up 100%. Attitude decides the future of the task. The more positivity I involve in the work, the positive attitude determines the surety of accomplishment of the task with a positive end result. In case, doubts or negativity accompany the procedure of the work to be done; then the end result may change as per the predecided expectation. So, in order to maintain the piousness of the task accomplished, I need to imbibe the work with pious intellect, clear hard work, positive attitude and........

The most and foremost important factor to get work accomplished with surety of success is Love of God. I imbibe "Love of God" factor since inception of the idea so that at every step, I experience success. I keep on implementing the ideas, plans, actions, hard work, clear intellect, mindfulness, tactfulness, positive attitude - all coupled along with "Love of God" (101%) to attain sure Success in all the tasks I perform. Again, these tasks are inspirations of God and it's God's responsibilities to accomplish such tasks. I simply play the role of an actor. I act as the mediator to accomplish God's Tasks which are always and naturally beneficial for Man and Mankind, Humans and Humanity.

Good Luck to all for accomplishing all tasks of God with Love of God (101%) factor with positive attitude (100%) and complete unconditional surrendrance to the Almighty Authority.

Monday, March 22, 2021

I am God's Worker

I am God's Worker

Be Good to all to become God's Worker

God is the father of all souls present in the Universe. We human beings are present in the Universe for doing different tasks of God. God has several works to do. He has to take care of all his children, do proper upbringing of all, educate them to be honest, follow the righteous path, become Best Heir/ Heiress of God's whole property and Become true Ruler by reigning God's Universe following all divine virtues of God.

When God has chosen me as his Worker/ Heir/ Heiress for performing and accomplishing his works in the Universe,
  •  I need to be very attentive
  •  I need to be very careful
  •  I need to be honest
  • I need to be obedient
  • I need to be faithful
  • I need to be good towards all
  • I need to be fearless
  • I need to be holy
  • I need to be emotionally and mentally stable
  • I need to be in complete happiness
  • I need to be in complete surrendrance of God. 

Monday, March 15, 2021


"Power to Pack up from Worldly Matters"

  • What is the “divine power to pack up”?
  •  Why is the “power to pack up” needed to develop within ourselves?
  •  Why is the “power to pack up” needed to increase within ourselves day by day?
  • When to use the “power to pack up” correctly in our lives?
  • How to use the “power to pack up” in various situations of our lives?

In our everyday life, we use the “Divine power to pack uppack up ourselves from negative thoughts/ negative surroundings in our life. Starting from early in the morning when we wake up till the late night until we go to sleep, we come across various categories of situations/ people in our life. Every moment stands as an EMBODIMENT of situation in front of us. Some of such situations have positive while others have negative impact in our basic life. Similarly, some people have positive effect while some other people have negative effect upon our lives. God helps us to increase the Divine Power to pack up ourselves from negative thoughts of ours as well as those of others.
The Divine power to pack up is the ability to stop wasteful & negative thinking. This is the divine power to cut off everything that is destructive, useless and wasteful. It is the Power to Wipe off / Let go and hold nothing of the past in the heart and nothing negative about the future in my mind. It is the strength to say ‘no’ to negativity/ negative actions/ negative influences.  The Divine power to pack up requires courage, forgiveness, trust and purity. It means life starts with a new beginning from this point and its foundation is Truth & purity. When it becomes easy to Forgive & Forget all limitations of physical/ bodily identity and all the expectations formed by others - by those living in the society then it is possible to have greater understanding and compassion for the True self- The Human Soul as well as the other Souls. The Divine power to Pack up emphasizes to act only on positive thoughts

How do we define any thought as positive or negative? Any thought is considered to be a positive thought which when transformed into words or actions - bring benefit to myself; others - directly or indirectly related to me; the surrounding or the environment wherein I stay and above all, it should be as per the instruction/ direction of the Almighty Authority. When we develop the Divine Power to Pack up more and more within ourselves, it brings power to have a complete positive outlook in our lives. Difficult tasks become easy and the impossible tasks get easier to become possible.

Let's discuss how to use & apply the Divine Power to Pack-up in our everyday lives/ day to day situations: 
The Divine Power to Pack-up stands for end number of things/ matters in our lives. The few can be as follows-
  • Power to Pack up from Worldly matters. 
  • Power to Pack up from our daily worries, sorrows, pain.
  • Power to Pack up from the hurt/ scratches that is being constantly given to us by our very close & known ones.
  • Power to Pack up from the expectations that we have from our relatives - especially older parents have from their young & earning children.
  • Power to Pack up from the over-ambitions of Self which we gather in the race-course of becoming successful & wealthy.
  • Power to Pack up from our past matters / past incidents of our lives.
  • Power to Pack up from negativity / negative thinking.
  • Power to Pack up from waste thinking/ wasteful thoughts.
  • Power to Pack up from unnecessary actions/ weird activities.
  • Power to Pack up from destructive thoughts, words & actions.
  • Power to Pack up from useless & meaningless thoughts, words & actions.
  • Power to Pack up from all the expectations that we can have from our near, dear, loved or known ones. (Try to erase the term "expectation" from your thoughts).      Eg. He will guide me; She may help me; They might solve my problems.
  • Power to Pack up yourself from all such expectations that others may have from me as a person/ as a near or dear relative to others/ them.    Eg. My friend expects me to always accompany him to the Football Club.
  • Power to Pack up from all matters going on in my surroundings which I am not related to.
  • Power to Pack up from the incidents which have occurred in my past. For doing so, I need to carry only the better & positive things from the past and as I move on with the luggage of Positivity in my present life - I need to forget all the old, unnecessary & unwanted incidents. Also, I need to learn positive & good lessons/ things from the mistakes made in the past of my life.
  • Power to Pack up - emphasizes upon our lives to "Live in the Present".
  • Power to Pack up - teaches me to wind-up or complete any task or any relation - then and there. I need not linger with any work/ task or any person (known or unknown) for the Future actions.  For instance, I have to complete any piece of work - but due to laziness/ idleness/ inefficiency of mine, I am not finishing that particular piece of work and simply carrying it for the next week to finish it off.  Similarly, I had any argument with any person and I left it upto the person to understand the whole matter as per his perspective. Rather, I need to shower stream of chilled water over the incident - through my good wishes & benevolent wishes for the person involved in the incident. And, then I need to show the plane mirror of truthfulness regarding the exact incident happened between me & the other person involved. So, it's better to erase all negativities regarding each other - face to face and then & there- at the same moment. So, better to wind up the matters coolly and appropriately. 
  • By and by, Power to Pack up from all matters going on in the surroundings even from those matters - to which I am directly related to. This requires lots of complete unconditional surrendrance to the Almighty Authority. It means- "Leave the whole matter in the hands of God. Whatever God has decided for me- He has definitely, most appropriately, most truly decided the Best for me and the best outcome will come in front of all at the most appropriate time and in the most appropriate manner." Have full faith & complete trust on the Almighty Authority.
Lastly, as a Human Soul- I need to pack up myself (The True Soul) from my own physical body and also from all the bodily relations of the Self.  This is possible - when I identify myself as a "point of light- as a soul" whose actual residence is away from the Whole Universe. I reside at "The High Abode of God". I stay with my God-Father. I stay with the Almighty - at "The High Abode of God". The World in form of the Universe and the worldly matters related to all the matters existing in the Universe - in form of life, creatures, relations, living & non living matters, bodily related people or things - all become meaningless - the moment when I identify myself as the True Self ; as the True Human Soul ; as the True child of the Almighty ; as the True Heir to the Divine Virtues & Powers of the Almighty Authority.  This is in actual the "Power to Pack-up from all Worldly matters".
Come, let us all begin to practice the Divine Power to Pack-up from all the worries & sorrows of our lives. Also, we need to help others to get rid of their pain, sorrows, tears & the scratches - that they keep on getting as gifts of expectations or  unexpectations from the known or unknown ones residing in the environment, wherein they live. 
Love all - irrespective of all expectations & unexpectations;
Live freely & lovingly.